
Techniques, videos, texts, resources that have been helpful to me, and I hope are to you too.

Here below you will find videos and guided meditations by me, with breathing and somatic techniques designed to calm the nervous system. Below that you will find videos y and books that I recommend.

Breathing Techniques

In English and Spanish, here is three-part breath, or complete breath, a yoga breathing technique as taught to beginners (there are more advanced ways to practice).

Three-part breath (English)

Respiración Completa (español)

Somatic Techniques

This I learned from my beloved teacher Janet Evergreen. Click her name to see more about her and her classes.

Creative Opposition (English)

Opposición Creativa (Español)

Guided Meditations

Body Scan Meditation (20 minutes in English)

Doing a body scan guided meditation regularly will strengthen your body awareness and connect to you the present.

You Are Not Alone Meditation

Being aware of our emotional & spiritual resources and calling on them in difficult moments is essential for healing.

Meditación escanear el cuerpo (20 minutos en Español)

Realizar una meditación escaneando el cuerpo con frequencia fortelecerá tu consciencia corporal y anclarte al presente.

Meditación No estás sola/o/e

Ser consciente de nuestros recursos emocionales y espirituales, convocarles en momentos difíciles es esencial para sanarnos.

Active Listening

Here is a 5 minute explanation of the technique of Active Listening. It is very useful for really listening and understanding others’ perspective, and very helpful in conflict.

Escucha Activa

Aquí encontrarás una breve explicación sobre como llevar a cabo la escucha activa, para realmente escuchar a los demás. También es muy útil en situaciones de conflicto.

Authors, books, videos that I love and recommend!

Gabor Mate explains the dilemma between attachment and authenticity

Peter Levine explains how trauma is in the body and how it can be released. Peter Levine explica como el trauma está en el cuerpo y como se puede soltar.

  • Writing

    You can access my 2014 PhD dissertation here (available in ProQuest).

    Opening Our Eyes: How Activist Women in Ecuador Learn Critical Political and Self-Aware Consciousness